We had so much fun in Disneyland...I could go on for ever about it but honestly I am so tired right now and I just want to go to bed. Enjoy the pics..There is 2 slideshows.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
We are all alive and very tired. We had so much fun at Disneyland and California Adventure, Addie had the time of her life. It is nice to be back home though. I am ready to sleep in my own bed again. I took a million pictures that I will post tomorrow.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Disneyland tomorrow!
We made it safe to Anaheim. We're staying in the Travelodge across the street from Disneyland. We head over tomorrow with Mike, Katie, my mom, my brother Kevin, and our family of 3. Should be a great day and I'm very excited to see Addie's reaction/enjoyment of Disneyland for the first time. Its such an amazing place, I can't wait to see it through her eyes...it will kinda bring things around full circle. Anyway, I'm sure Carrie or I will post an update either tomorrow night or Saturday night just so everyone has at least an idea of how things are going. I'm sure Carrie will post pics before too long as well, of the trip.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
My dear sweet husband is FINALLY done with school....for a few years. He has earned his Bachelors of Science degree in Information Technology with a concentration in Multi Media and Visual communications. Monday was his last official day of class work. He has worked so hard to get all A's and has a few B's. I am so proud of him. He is still a bit unsure of what to do with his extra free time now that he doesn't have class work to do. It has been so nice to have him around more. He has and continues to make so many sacrifices for our family, I am so lucky to have him as my husband. His actual graduation ceramony is on the 25th of April, he will be walking in San Diego. We are going to have a little open house later that evening at Gloria's house. We are going to be celebrating his graduation and birthday by going to Disneyland next weekend. We are beyond excited to go, it has been trip in the making for a every long time coming.
Way to go Brian Joe! I love you so much!!
Way to go Brian Joe! I love you so much!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Flashback Friday (thx for the idea Valeri)
So here's a video I did, almost 10 years ago...wow time flies! Anyway, YouTube was wonderful enough to strip the audio because the audio was a song called "Youth of the Nation" and I don't have a license to use it in my video. But if you're interested in the imagery...its here for you to see...hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
New favorite snack!
Addie changes her favorite snack about once a week or so..She has been on a Go-Gurt kick for a little bit now. My sister froze them for her kids in the summer when I lived with her. I thought I should try it out for Addie and she LOVED it. You should try it they are wicked good! Also, It made me feel a little better then giving her a sugar filled popsicle, cause we all know she doesn't need anymore energy.

Friday, March 13, 2009
Random Pics!
Here are the pictures I promised...No order just random pics I have taken over the last few weeks...
We love love strawberries in this house...you can't tell by the pic but these ones were HUGE...like strawberries on steroids.
Addie has a love hate relationship with dress up stuff..This day she was all about it...hat, gloves, and all...
We went swimming last weekend. Addie borrowed some goggles. I took this picture and could help but LAUGH OUT LOUD...you can too..
I love hibiscus flowers, something about them just make me happy!
When Addie and I were sick with a nasty cold we went through tissues like they were going outta style. She had a little fun with the empty boxes. All her idea.
Ignore the outfit, she was still in her jammies.

We took Addie to the dentist for the first time a few weeks ago, she did great but we also have the best dentist in the world. He is so sweet! He just checked out and counted her teeth to get her comfortable with being there. She is super excited about picking out a toy and getting a new really cool tooth brush.

Tonight when we got home from our date we saw this little lizard outside our condo. Addie thought it was really cool but wouldn't touch it.
We took Addie to the dentist for the first time a few weeks ago, she did great but we also have the best dentist in the world. He is so sweet! He just checked out and counted her teeth to get her comfortable with being there. She is super excited about picking out a toy and getting a new really cool tooth brush.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I know, I know!!
I have been horrible lately about blogging about things that really matter. I haven't taken many pictures cause we haven't done too much lately. I have a few random ones that I will post soon. I have been in a little funk lately, I am digging out of it though. Heavenly Father knows our trials and has the big picture in mind and I am being reminded of that on a very regular basis. It is so easy to think of what isn't going right or my way.I have so much to be thankful for. I have a healthy 3 year old, I am so lucky to stay at home with her and watch her learn and grow, I have a husband that is willing to do everything in his power to make sure we can pay our bills, he has a job, we have amazing friends and family that is there for us when we need them. Thank you! I know looking back in a few years this time will be just a blink and it will all make sense, as for now I just need to have faith and move forward with life and enjoy the things we are blessed with. Everyday I say to myself the Serenity Prayer just to remind myself of the things I can control.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I love Ellen..
I saw this video today and it totally made me laugh...Ellen and Josh Groban sing a hilarious rendition of "Total Eclipse of the Heart!" Enjoy!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Slowly but surely...
I called my sweet friend Aimee that is one of the smartest people I know last night to ask her a question about some probiotics and asked if she could think of anything else I could try to relieve some of the pressure in my sinuses. She said I could do some acupuncture for you. I have never had it done and have always wondered about it. If I would let anyone poke me with needles it would be her. We headed out to this clinic type place and I got a bag of IV greatness with a bunch of vitamins, then we did the acupuncture. It was the strangest felling, not painful just a odd feeling. She did 1 in the top of my head, 1 on my forehead, 1 on each side of my nose, 2 in each hand, and 1 on each side of my neck. I went to sleep being able to breath and woke up feeling a LOT better. I am till a tiny bit stuffy but not nearly as bad as I was. I am a believer now in acupuncture. I had her take a picture of me with all the needles, it's not the best picture of me but I don't care.. I tried to get my hands in the pic but I know it looks like I am just grabbing my boobs...sorry about it being sideways.
For any who are curious...
I've decided this is what I want for my birthday this year...lol
just kidding, it is funny though :)
just kidding, it is funny though :)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I have been fighting this stupid cold/cough for almost a week. At first I thought it was allergies but once it does worse and the sore throat started I knew it wasn't. I was hoping yesterday was the worst part then I made the mistake of waking up this morning. I felt as though my head was going to explode and sinuses where on fire. I talked to my mom and she said you probably have a sinus infection. Why I didn't think of this before? I have no clue. I called and got in with my doc this afternoon and sure enough I have a sinus infection. She gave a some steroid nose spray and she prescribed me Augmentin. I am really hoping that this gets better fast cause nothing bugs me more then being stuffy. Addie is getting a lot better, she still has a little runny nose but not bad at all. She hasn't slowed down one bit and that makes it that much harder.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Who ever said science can't be fun?
You thought helium was fun? Check out sulfur hexaflouride!
This one always makes me laugh too. Moral of the story, don't drink and work out.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Fun with Mimi!
Gloria flew in on Thursday night to spend the weekend with us. We didn't tell Addie she was coming until Friday cause she was getting in late and we didn't want her to be up that late that night. Brian had a great idea to have her "camp" in our room and we would make a little tent for her.
We let her watch WALL-E, one of her favorite movies. She thought she was cool stuff being able to sleep in a little tent.

When Addie woke up in the morning we told her there was something in her room for her. She was still pretty out of it but was super excited to see her Mimi in her bed.

After we got up and moving we took Brian to work and headed out for lunch at one of my favorite places EVER Rumbi Island Grill. It's AMAZING!! Then we decided to go play at a new really cool park. Addie had a great time!

This may be a little TMI but Addie needed to go potty and the bathrooms at the parks are NASTY and I keep a potty in our car just in case there isn't one close if she needs to go. I thought this picture was pretty funny.

After the park everyone was pooped.

Friday night Glor's sister invited her and I to have a girls night. We went to a improv place called Jester'z in Scottsdale. We had a blast. It was so nice to get away for a bit and laugh super hard.
Saturday Brian and I went on a little lunch date while Addie and Glor went to the park. That evening we had some of Brian's cousins and their families over for dinner. Glor was really excited to be able to spend some time with everyone and meet the new babies.
This is most of the group...we're missing a few in the pic. Thanks for coming guys we had a great time!

You gotta love sleeping babies...

My sun glasses broke a few days ago. I have been on the hunt for a new pair, we went to Target and had lots of fun trying on glasses..

I swear we have time warped back into the 80's.
Thanks for coming out Glor. We love you so much!

Yesterday Addie and I got hit with a cold, Addie's nose is nasty and the poor girl couldn't hardly breath last night. I went to the store and found these Breath Right Strips and thought what the heck why not try them. They helped alot, until she woke up in the middle of the night and ripped it off..

We let her watch WALL-E, one of her favorite movies. She thought she was cool stuff being able to sleep in a little tent.
When Addie woke up in the morning we told her there was something in her room for her. She was still pretty out of it but was super excited to see her Mimi in her bed.
After we got up and moving we took Brian to work and headed out for lunch at one of my favorite places EVER Rumbi Island Grill. It's AMAZING!! Then we decided to go play at a new really cool park. Addie had a great time!
This may be a little TMI but Addie needed to go potty and the bathrooms at the parks are NASTY and I keep a potty in our car just in case there isn't one close if she needs to go. I thought this picture was pretty funny.
After the park everyone was pooped.
Friday night Glor's sister invited her and I to have a girls night. We went to a improv place called Jester'z in Scottsdale. We had a blast. It was so nice to get away for a bit and laugh super hard.
Saturday Brian and I went on a little lunch date while Addie and Glor went to the park. That evening we had some of Brian's cousins and their families over for dinner. Glor was really excited to be able to spend some time with everyone and meet the new babies.
This is most of the group...we're missing a few in the pic. Thanks for coming guys we had a great time!
You gotta love sleeping babies...
My sun glasses broke a few days ago. I have been on the hunt for a new pair, we went to Target and had lots of fun trying on glasses..
Thanks for coming out Glor. We love you so much!
Yesterday Addie and I got hit with a cold, Addie's nose is nasty and the poor girl couldn't hardly breath last night. I went to the store and found these Breath Right Strips and thought what the heck why not try them. They helped alot, until she woke up in the middle of the night and ripped it off..
I can't sleep...
I have not been able to sleep for the last few nights. It is starting to warm up here and I am trying to put off turning on the A/C as long as I can. I sleep best when it is cold and I can be under covers. Brian likes to sleep on top of covers in a warmer room....this is a problem. As I was laying in bed I honestly felt as though i was laying on a heating pad. The fan was on causing a breeze but I just couldn't get comfortable, I tried to open the window and it is about the same temp outside as it is inside so that is no help. I would love to fall asleep and stay asleep for just one night. SAVE ME!!!!
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