Monday, March 2, 2009

I can't sleep...

I have not been able to sleep for the last few nights. It is starting to warm up here and I am trying to put off turning on the A/C as long as I can. I sleep best when it is cold and I can be under covers. Brian likes to sleep on top of covers in a warmer room....this is a problem. As I was laying in bed I honestly felt as though i was laying on a heating pad. The fan was on causing a breeze but I just couldn't get comfortable, I tried to open the window and it is about the same temp outside as it is inside so that is no help. I would love to fall asleep and stay asleep for just one night. SAVE ME!!!!


Kira =] said...

Oh dear, I'm sorry you're going through this. Sleep is so important! My only suggestion would be a high powered fan blowing in your face on your side of the bed. I heard a study once that we all tend to sleep better when the temperature is 68 degrees. So right before Ben & I go to bed we bump it down and then when we get up we turn the air back up to 74 so it doesn't work all day. In fact, everyone in our house sleeps better like that.

Anonymous said...

yeah I have heard that too. I have tried to tell Brian that but he likes to sleep warm. He said his arms get hoo! I told him sleep with a shirt on.