Thursday, March 12, 2009

I know, I know!!

I have been horrible lately about blogging about things that really matter. I haven't taken many pictures cause we haven't done too much lately. I have a few random ones that I will post soon. I have been in a little funk lately, I am digging out of it though. Heavenly Father knows our trials and has the big picture in mind and I am being reminded of that on a very regular basis. It is so easy to think of what isn't going right or my way.I have so much to be thankful for. I have a healthy 3 year old, I am so lucky to stay at home with her and watch her learn and grow, I have a husband that is willing to do everything in his power to make sure we can pay our bills, he has a job, we have amazing friends and family that is there for us when we need them. Thank you! I know looking back in a few years this time will be just a blink and it will all make sense, as for now I just need to have faith and move forward with life and enjoy the things we are blessed with. Everyday I say to myself the Serenity Prayer just to remind myself of the things I can control.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.


Mike and Katie said...

You are so awesome! I was in a funk most of this week too. . .its funny, but you really do have to remind yourself of how good you really do have it. Regardless of what we are going through, Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and have joy through it all, and remembering how blessed we really are is a great way to feel that joy! Love you guys! Lub lub lub

Mic Mac

Valeri said...

So true! God allows everything to happen for his own reasons and often times we are simply incapable of seeing the big picture. I always look back on my trials once they're done and over with and think, "Okay, I get it now. I see why I had to endure this." You will too, and the fact that you already recognize that shows that you've got the right attitude. You're in our prayers.

TMo said...

Yeah, taking pictures and up dating the blog can take up some time. I have to wait until I have a few hours to spend on the computer. Hey, we had fun the other night with you guys and mike and katie. Can't wait to do it again.