Friday, December 5, 2008


Okay so now I just feel like a fool. Brian and I were sitting and skyping with his mom over the computer, we were talking about our lovely afternoon. Glor was asking Addie about the nail, and Brian says what kind of nail was it? A hard nail that mommy was using for the lights or what? She says "NO a finger nail"....Me thinking WHAT??? This never once crossed my mind yesterday. Addie is a nail biter (it's nasty, I know. I can't get her to stop) Brian at this time says "Wow Carrie that was the $75 questions". Yeah I feel like a totally fool now....I guess you live and learn.

1 comment:

Pepple said...

Oh no! I am sorry, you probably felt terrible...but I am laughing hysterically over here!!! She is too much! I hope you are able to laugh about it now.