Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oh what a night!

Yesterday I was a mad woman packing and trying to get ready to leave at 6:30 a.m. to fly to Idaho to see my parents. I went to bed at 11 last night knowing that I was going to have to get up at 5 a.m. to get the last few things in our bags and head to the airport...Little did I know it was going to be a bit more exciting then that..Last night at 1 a.m. the flu or some NASTY bug hit Addie....every 15-30 min till 9:30 a.m. she was barfing. It was HORRIBLE! Nothing is worse to me then seeing her sick. Thank goodness I was able to change my flight so we fly out tomorrow morning. She is doing better now, just really tired( she only slept for 5 hours last night. I am going to give her a bath and put her down for a nap...PRAY FOR ME so I don't go crazy!

1 comment:

Valeri said...

You poor mama. I can so relate and am so sorry! Hope she's all better now and that you had (or are having) a great trip!