I know I need to put some pics up and I will soon, I promise. Someone please just tell me it's not just my child and that it will go away....I swear it was over night, Addie went from being a pretty good girl, to being a nightmare...Is it just being TWO?? I feel like no matter what I say, or how I go about doing it she disobeys, tells me NO, or screams "AWWW" at me. It is totally making me CRAZY, and I am not dealing well with it. I have been trying to be more constant with the "naughty mat", but I just feel like it is making everything so much WORSE. She is also into hitting and pushing!! SOMEONE HELP!!! Addie has always been really active and super busy and I am fine with that, but now she is also thinking that naptime is a joke. One more thing I am not swallowing to well. I am reading the Baby Whisperer for toddler book and it is helpful but I just don't have a ton of time to sit and read it, so it's just a chapter her and one there. So anyone PLEASE help.
Don't worry, it's not you. With what I've been studying last semester, I have found that it is really perfectly normal for 2 year olds to hit, push, and get their way. According to Doctor Spock (Old school, I know) "Young children bite and hit because they don't know any better. It takes years and patient teaching before children figure out what are, and are not, acceptable ways of getting what they want. It also takes years to develop the strength of self-control that allows children to not hit and bite, but rather negotiate using words. Up until age 3, regular hitting and biting is probably normal; by four, it should be tailing off."
And I know I'm preaching to the choir! Carrie, you are such a good mommy to Addie, all she talked about the other night was about how mommy does this and that with her. She really loves you. And know that I'm totally willing to watch her whenever you need! I love you and your family!
Love, Kara
Other great books:
Touchpoints by T. Berry Brazelton, M.D. (very short per age group-quick read) "Your child's emotional and behavioral development - the essential reference." Mom gave me this book and it is so helpful!!!
Parenting with Love and Logic (teaching children responsibility) by Foster Cline, M.D. & Jim Fay (good size book but all I could do was a chapter at a time)
I received the Love & Logic book for Christmas and it already has made a difference. You can't do it all at once, but instead just focus on one thing that needs to change and we work on that. Right now we're working on Carlise speaking nicely to me. Instead of SCREAMING at me about EVERYTHING. I don't get nearly as upset/angry as I used to.
Check your local library for the books, too.
And as always, you're not alone!!!! =]
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