Addie took a few pics of Addie in her Easter dress and we did finger paints for the first time...they soon turned in to body paint..she had a blast!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Very Interesting...
I'm not sure if I agree with all of this...
What Carrie Means |
![]() You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily. You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind. A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. |
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Gotta love the Doctor!
After Addie being sick for over 3 weeks now with a cough/cold that EVERYONE around us has or has had I finally took her in. After waiting in a room for an hour to be seen, the NP came in and said sorry for the wait but some has brought their child in with the measles. Also we can't let anyone in or out of the office with out giving them a vaccine or knowing that they have had them. We will have to give Addison her second one today. My thinking is AWESOME, GREAT, that's all I want it my kid or me to get the freakin measles..ON TOP OF HER BEING SICK. Then the NP said so why are you here today..I told her and she listened to Addie and checked her all out, she said it sounds like she has something like bronchitis, and a ear infection. She wrote 3 RX, cough med, ear drops, and a antibiotic. A friend helped me figure out some homeopathic stuff to help her, so we are going to try those for a few days. We are hoping that this will help and we can finally get our crazy and wild Addie Kay back!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
The craziest thing EVER!!
Okay so I was taking Brian to work this morning and we were listening to the radio the DJ said that a "man" in Bend Oregon was claiming to be pregnant...I guess he was born a woman with all woman organs but had his breasts removed, did the testosterone shots to get the "man hair", but never had any of the organs removed and still has woman parts...Him and his wife decided that because she was unable to carry a child then he would...he is 22 weeks pregnant was a baby this not crazy?? I am just like WHAT...maybe he/she can let all the men know how it really is being pregnant...can you imagine seeing this "guy" walking around in a store...too funny!! if you are interested in the story here is a link to it....
have a lovely day!
have a lovely day!

Monday, March 24, 2008
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter...Here are some pics of us dying eggs with Addie for the first time, and Easter, the Easter egg hunt. Enjoy!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Today as I was walking up to my car from a store...I noticed something was missing...our Obama '08 bumper magnet. Seriously?? Why on earth would someone take that? I have wanted to take the Bush '04 stickers/magnets off for 8 years now but I haven't touched them. That just peeves me big time. I will be getting another one maybe 2 or 3....maybe I'll cover up a few Bush ones...haha just kidding I wouldn't do that. I would love to but wouldn't. I just had to vent...

Friday, March 21, 2008
Addie's New Hair Cut!
Addie's hair was starting to get really stringy and all uneven because the hair in back of her head grows in faster and thicker. We went and got her hair cut today. I think it turned out great and I think it makes her look like such a little girl now. Here are pics before, during the cut, and after.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Madison and Meah's Birthday!!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Our Evening Entertainment!
I did this all the time with my nieces and nephews when they were little. We had a blast last night, Addie was laughing pretty hard. Enjoy!
Addie's learning early
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I've Been Tagged!

Alright I am been tagged by Emily Morris!(
Here it goes!
#1 I am totally freaked out and grossed out by meat on a every and anyway that you can think of. I once cried YES CRIED while cutting raw chicken off of a bone. Don't know why.
#2 I LOVE the smell of FRESH Oregon rain. There is nothing like it and I miss it horribly.
#3 I am crazy about the show on TLC John and kate plus 8. For those of you that have not seen the show this couple had twins, then decided to have one more and got 6 yes 6 more...It makes me be grateful for having one.
#4 I wear flip flops all year around...rain, snow, hail, and sunshine...I remember living in Colorado and being prego with Addie it snowing like crazy out and looking down and I had flip flops on and thinking people must think I am NUTS!
#5 I can't eat popcorn with out having milk with it. Try it it's AWESOME!! Thanks Jen!
#6 I have insomnia REALLY BAD!! I have for about 10 years now. If anyone one has it you know how awful it is and those of you how don't count your blessings.
#7 I don't like and can't watch scary or a little scary movies at all...I get nightmares really bad. I don't understand why people watch movies to just freak themselves out.
I will tag...Kira, Valeri, Jen, Chris, Lyndsey, Aimee, and Brian. ENJOY!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I am so blessed!
Every now and then I have a hallelujah moment and realize how blessed and lucky I am to have wonderful friends around me. Last night Aimee and I sat outside swinging on her swing for four and a half hours talking about pretty much everything under the sun. Anytime we get together we always have fun. She always has wonderful advice and is so encouraging. She's awesome and I love her lots!
Almost every Thursday Angela( one of Brian's cousins) and I get together with the kids and hang out and have lunch. We always have a great time. She has helped me find myself again and the things that are important to me, and I will forever be grateful to her.
I have been so lucky to have wonderful people around us everywhere that we go. There are so many other people in my life now that I have great friendships with and are always there for me. So Thanks to everyone who has been a part of my life in some way or another, I am one blessed woman!
Almost every Thursday Angela( one of Brian's cousins) and I get together with the kids and hang out and have lunch. We always have a great time. She has helped me find myself again and the things that are important to me, and I will forever be grateful to her.
I have been so lucky to have wonderful people around us everywhere that we go. There are so many other people in my life now that I have great friendships with and are always there for me. So Thanks to everyone who has been a part of my life in some way or another, I am one blessed woman!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
A trip to the Zoo...
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
One Heck of a Day!
Late last night after realizing I didn't have my wedding rings on and started to think how long it had been since I had worn them( Friday was the last day) I started to think, maybe they are upstairs where I normally have them on the bathroom counter. As I walked into the bathroom I didn't see them, I looked in a few other places the thought maybe I took them off and put them downstairs on this shelf thing we have, I went down and looked around. I couldn't find them. I tried not to get worked up and thought I am just going to go to bed and I will look in the morning. As I almost always to I prayed before I went to bed, asking for a little help in hopes to find them..
This morning I got up and after Brian left for work I started moving things around, being more thorough this go around, as I find myself starting to panic. I stopped and prayed again, I just kept getting the feeling THEY ARE GONE....this to me wasn't helping me to stay calm. As the day wore on I just kept looking, pulling out the stove, fridge, dryer, digging through our trash, looking in all Addie's toys that had a little place she could hide something... I found NOTHING...I decided to ask Brian if he had seen them...p.s. if you ever lose your wedding ring DON'T TELL YOUR HUSBAND!!!! He said no then got really mad...once again not helping me to stay calm. At this point in time I was pretty much in tears. I just kinda said alright if they are gone they are gone, and if they show up then WONDERFUL!!! I went and got my hair cut. Came home to start dinner, got everything together and needed foil to cover the 9x9, grabbed the foil and heard a little Jingle....I felt like someone just punched me in the gut, I took the foil out of the box and out fell MY RINGS!!!! It took all I had to not break down BAWLING....My thinking is that when i was putting the burgers together last Friday night Addie was up on the counter and must have gotten them and put them in the foil box....CRAZY KIDS!!!
This morning I got up and after Brian left for work I started moving things around, being more thorough this go around, as I find myself starting to panic. I stopped and prayed again, I just kept getting the feeling THEY ARE GONE....this to me wasn't helping me to stay calm. As the day wore on I just kept looking, pulling out the stove, fridge, dryer, digging through our trash, looking in all Addie's toys that had a little place she could hide something... I found NOTHING...I decided to ask Brian if he had seen them...p.s. if you ever lose your wedding ring DON'T TELL YOUR HUSBAND!!!! He said no then got really mad...once again not helping me to stay calm. At this point in time I was pretty much in tears. I just kinda said alright if they are gone they are gone, and if they show up then WONDERFUL!!! I went and got my hair cut. Came home to start dinner, got everything together and needed foil to cover the 9x9, grabbed the foil and heard a little Jingle....I felt like someone just punched me in the gut, I took the foil out of the box and out fell MY RINGS!!!! It took all I had to not break down BAWLING....My thinking is that when i was putting the burgers together last Friday night Addie was up on the counter and must have gotten them and put them in the foil box....CRAZY KIDS!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Addie's first little Boyfriend!
Long time no see!
So I realized I haven't really posted anything in a while. Since things are a bit slower at work today I thought I'd take the opportunity to get everyone caught up. We moved buildings today which was pretty fun and I really like the new location we're in. Its a relatively small suite across the street from where we were before. Only my immediate team is in this building so its definitely cool feeling like we're kind of on our own over here and I think it will be good to kind of build a sense of unified team spirit. At the end of this post is a picture of my new cubice, I've been sharing a desk with a co-worker since Oct. or Nov. of last year so its kinda nice to have my own workspace again. Other than that I've been learning some really cool XML stuff, more specifically XPath and XSLT for those who care to know. I'm still in the beginning stages but its definitely cool to be learning more about that stuff. Within the next week or so, I will be beginning a new project for our team, with one other person. We will be doing audio recordings and audio post-production for one of the schools here at Apollo. This is a very exciting opportunity for me because I've always been interested in audio work but never known much about it. Now I get to not only learn, but gain the work experience from it as well. There has also been rumors that if we do well with the audio and it is well received that there may be some video projects coming down the pipeline as well which has always been ultimately the field that I would absolutely love to work in. It definitely feels like nearly 2 years ago, the decision we made to come here is paying off in a great way for us!

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