Monday, April 28, 2008

Stupid Brain!

So for the life of me I can't seem to figure out why my moments of "clarity" seem to come literally minutes before I would be falling asleep.  It is now nearly 11:30 pm and I should be in bed, well actually I was in bed.  Then all of a sudden as I'm trying to fall asleep it hits me!  I've been working nearly all evening on some Java Programming homework for class and I got to a point where I was stuck.  So as I'm laying down trying to go to sleep it comes to me and of course by this point I can't just roll over and wait till tomorrow because I will surely have forgotten by then.  So I run downstairs and make the fix, and sure enough it appears to be working as needed, now why couldn't my brain have just cooperated earlier?  Oh well, I guess I should be thankful that I at least figured it out.

P.S. - Inheritance is sweet!

1 comment:

Carla said...

That's funny Brain. Good for you for getting out of bed. I don't think I would have. But then I totally regret it the next morning you mentioned, I have totally forgotten!