Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm spinning...

I feel like I am just spinning in circles...I am WAY behind in everything. We went to the river over the 4th weekend. I have 3 loads of wash to fold in a pile on our bedroom floor. I was supposed to have blankets made for my mom and 2 for my friend Aimee. They both have been very understanding of the delay. We had NO I mean NO food in the house, so I had to go food shopping and to the fabric store last night instead of making the 3 blankets that need to be made. I haven't been to the gym in 5 yes 5 days.  I won't be able to go tonight either cause we have this dinner thing to go to. I should be walking 6 days a week now and 5 miles two of the days and 6 one day...I have yet to walk over 4 miles and I have been averaging about 3-4 days a week. I just feel like life is flying by and I am just standing watching it all happen in slow motion. This is my plan....I have Sofia until about 3 today, so I am thinking after she heads home then I will sit down and cut out the fabric and get it pinned before Brian gets home and we need to get ready to go to dinner. When we get home I want to try and get at least 1 blanket made. I have to make to to the gym for the rest of the week and walk my butt off. I know that my problems are nothing compared to alot of other people but I am just feeling over whelmed, but there is always tomorrow and I will catch up sometime...


Kira =] said...

Ah, but your problems are exactly that YOUR problems, so I understand you feel overwhelmed by them right now. You've read my challenge blog so you understand what I'm overwhelmed by. So, I feel ya woman. And I am so proud of you for being able to walk 4 miles! That's still awesome! Just remember it's a work in progress, life happens, & we just try to figure it out & do our best. Now enjoy your hot date tonight with your hubby, Beautiful. =]

Carla said...

Ohhhh, I hate feeling overwhelmed and like I am sinking. You seem to be on the right track. I always list and sort things out. It helps to look at it a little at a time instead of one big ball of mess!

Carla said...

I just found an awesome quote that is perfect for you right now...
"Energy and persistance alter all things."
Benjamin Franklin